A Kincentric Mythological Fantasy

The Plain of Pillars

An ancient people discover the brutality of peace in The Plain of Pillars, a sweeping mythological (Irish) fantasy and climate sci-fi series that “weaves a vibrant tapestry of hope, resilience, and magik” (Literary Titan), and interrogates the roots of colonialism and heritage.

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D. Firth Griffith

Sacred Ecologist, Storyteller

Firth is an award-winning author of five books, educator, international speaker, and pioneer in the kincentric rewilding landscape.


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Happily (re)learning what it means to be human. Essays, podcasts, books, live conversations, and more!

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Essays & 5 award-winning books on eco-mythology & fiction.

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A Wandering Irishman

Firth walks the dreams of his ancestors, stumbling often but attempting to be an honorable heir in a world on the edge.

Firth's Latest book

The Plain of Pillars

The first in a gripping historical fantasy series that intertwines Celtic mythology and Irish fairytales and legends, The Plain of Pillars is a bold retelling of ancient and animistic stories.

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Unshod Podcast

Long-form conversation about relearning the kinship worldview with author, horse-drawn woodwright, and renowned storyteller, D. Firth Griffith. This is not about saving the world. This has everything to do with leaving the right kind of tracts in the mud.

Who I am

reBecoming an Earthling

D. Firth Griffith walks the dreams of his ancestors, stumbling often but attempting to be an honorable heir in a world on the edge. Today, he is Wingina, the past, present, and future land of the Monacan People.

He is a father, horse-drawn woodwright, magikal storyteller, and award-winning indie author of five books on kincentric rewilding and eco-mythology. His latest book, The Plain of Pillars, is an epic novel and daring retelling of Celtic Mythology.

He is the co-founder of Timshel Wildland, a kincentric rewilding and relational conservation project in Virginia, raising cattle, goats, sheep, and wild children with our community. He is the Founder of The Robinia Group, once a Savory Institute Hub and now a center for kinship.

He is the host of Unshod, a weekly long-form conversation podcast, and writes regularly on Substack under the same name, Unshod. He has published articles, short stories, poems, and critical essays for Resilience.org, Permaculture Research Institute, Front Porch Republic, and the Stockman Grass Farmer, among others.

Firth lives in Virginia with his wife and three children.

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